Creativity is something I feel that can get lost so easily. A lot of times we are given the impression that creativity is not okay when you are
"grown up" or when you are
"professional," but you know I think creativity is what keeps me going everyday. It is our minds and the
power that they have that allow us to truly express ourselves.
Not everyone communicates in the same way, and creativity allows us to express ourselves in different ways. One person may communicate through talking where another may use writing, or painting, or music; each person is different -- creativity allows us to keep and express what makes us us. It is so important to stay creative no matter how old you get. Whether you are 80 or 8, 40 or 14, you can still be you and express you creativity however
YOU like, because all in all you are the only person that it matters to, if someone else doesn't like the creative way you present something, so what, that is not your problem. I think
fear is something that holds us back from being creative, all of the what ifs and fear of what everyone else will think. Well, I will tell you what I think, I think that we should all start to do things because we want to, stop worrying about what others think all the time. If you like to paint, express yourself in your work. If you like to write, show others how brilliant you are with your words. But
NEVER put your creativity on hold because your scared of what others will say. Do what you love and express yourself how you like to, and
ALWAYS be creative.
Never sacrifice your creativity, or better yet, your individuality, out of fear.
Be who you want to be, not who others want you to be. Show others who you are through your creativity and your beautiful mind.