Sunday, February 19, 2012

You're not supposed to look back, you're supposed to keep going.

Society tells us all the time that we have to be tough and that we shouldn't let others know that we are hurting.  This in itself causes even more pain though.  Why is it that we feel like we have to keep our heaviest burdens to ourselves?  We convince ourselves that no one wants to hear what we are going through, or that there is no reason to get others involved in our personal struggles. But this is so dangerous. I think it is important to express how you are feeling in someway; whether you let it all out through prayer, art, exercise, writing, or talking, you have to find a positive way to free yourself from these burdens and weights you carry around.  Holding onto something you cannot change will tear you apart and create even more problems.  Dwelling on the past gets us nowhere.  We need to stop hiding so much. I think we are most worried about what other's will think, but I think we need to realize that everyone faces hard times, and that we are never alone, even when we feel like we are.

But we still keep it all inside because that feels like the safest place to hide.  But in all actuality I think that is the most dangerous place we can keep everything. Sure it might feel like it's the safest place, trust me I do it all the time.  But it is so important to let your fears and insecurities out because holding them in will only create more stress and anxiety, which is so bad for you.
You convince yourself that it is just better to hold it in because no one understands or it's better off this way, but trust me it's not.  Whatever it is you are worried about will only get worse if you don't express yourself in someway.  Communication is key.  There are so many ways in which you can communicate too.  If you don't feel comfortable talking to your friends or family about whatever it is you are going through that is completely normal, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't talk to anyone! Don't keep all of your burdens, let them go, give them up.  Find something you are comfortable with -- whether it is talking to a professional, your friends, your parents, God -- communicate, no it's not easy, I never said it would be, but it's necessary.


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